Energy Saving Tips – 6 Easy Ways to Lower Your Electricity Bills

electricity saving tips

Electricity is a necessity in our everyday lives, and it’s important to know how to save on it. Thankfully, electricity costs are not as high as they used to be and there are many things you can do to lower your bills.

Energy saving tips don’t have to be complex or expensive, and you can make them part of your daily routines. These easy changes will help keep your bills low and your home more comfortable.

1. Turn off the lights when not in use

Keeping your lights on can be a big drain on your electricity bill. It’s estimated that for every hour a light bulb is on, it uses 0.04 kWh of electricity, which adds up quickly. Switching off lights when they’re not in use can save you a small fortune on your electricity bill.

2. Swap out old bulbs for new ones

Replacing your old incandescent and halogen bulbs with Energy Star-certified LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs will save you a lot of money on your electric bill. These bulbs will last longer and use much less energy than traditional incandescent or halogen lights.

3. Avoid using appliances when you’re not home

Leaving your TV, laptop computer, printer and other devices on standby while you’re not at home can be a huge waste of energy. Fortunately, most electronics come with a power-saving feature that will turn them off after a certain period of inactivity.

4. Clean out clogged lint screens and dryer ducts

A dirty lint screen can reduce the efficiency of your clothes dryer, whether gas or electric. Also, keep your exhaust duct clean by regularly cleaning it out with an auger brush or other cleaner.

5. Insulate your windows and doors

A properly insulated home can be up to 20 percent more energy efficient than one without insulation. Sealing gaps in your windows and doors with weather-stripping, caulk or foam will help keep out heat and cold.

6. Fix any leaks that may be in your home

Leaking faucets, toilets and other leaky appliances can raise your utility bills quickly. Repairing these leaks will help you keep your bills low and your water safe to drink.

7. Consider a tankless water heater

A tankless water heater is more efficient than a conventional one, and it can pay for itself in as little as 3-5 years. They’re also easier to maintain and won’t run out of hot water.

8. Install smart power strips

A smart power strip is a great way to control and monitor your electrical usage. It can also cut down on your “phantom load”, which is the extra power that is used by plugged-in electronics when they’re not in use.

9. Make the most of daylight

As a rule, lighting accounts for 5 percent to 10 percent of energy use, so be sure you are making the most of natural light. This includes switching to ENERGY STAR-certified LED (light-emitting-diode) bulbs and using task lights when possible rather than general lighting.

Dan Mboyane
Author: Dan Mboyane