Electricity Saving Tips

electricity saving

There are a lot of ways to save energy, from simple habits like turning off lights to changing your light bulbs to more involved home improvements and buying smart appliances. These small actions can make a huge difference in your monthly electricity and natural gas bills.

Electricity saving can also help you to do your part in the fight against global warming and climate change. It helps to reduce the amount of toxic fumes released into the air by power plants, and it also helps protect ecosystems from destruction.

Investing in energy-efficient appliances, electronics, and systems can cut your electricity usage by half. It can also make your equipment last longer, which means you’ll save money on repairs over time.

Switching to LED or CFL lights can also be a big electricity savings hack, as they use much less energy than standard incandescent bulbs. They also give off a nice warm glow and can up your mood, as you’ll feel more comfortable in your home.

Another electricity saving tip is to unplug your electronics when you’re not using them. This includes the TV, computer, video game consoles and even chargers for cordless phones and tablets.

The best way to do this is to invest in a smart power strip, which can keep your appliances from draining energy when they’re not in use. Most of these power strips are also available with timers, which can help you save money on your electricity bill as well.

Installing a smart thermostat can help you save energy by automatically controlling the temperature in your home. The device will adjust the temperature depending on your needs and can save you a lot of money in energy costs.

Turning off your heating or cooling system when you’re not in the room can also help to save electricity, as it will reduce the amount of energy it uses to keep the temperature at a set level. Many people don’t realize how much they can save by just making this simple change, but it could add up to significant amounts of money over the year.

Adding insulation can reduce the amount of energy you use to heat or cool your home, as well. You can also try to reduce draughts and leaks, such as by plugging air ducts or weather stripping doors and windows.

You can also buy energy-efficient appliances that use less electricity, such as refrigerators and washing machines. Look for models that are certified with the Energy Star label, which is managed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy with more than 18,000 partners.

Displaying energy-saving information and sharing your progress toward saving can inspire employees and occupants to help conserve energy in your building or space. You can do this by placing banners and posters with your energy-saving goals in high traffic areas, hanging door hangers or post-it note reminders, or holding an energy fair.

Getting employees and occupants to take action is the key to energy conservation, as it requires them to be aware of what they’re doing. This can be done by showing them the past 6-12 months of energy use data, displaying energy-saving tips and information in a high-traffic area or by providing a regular report on trends in occupants’ energy usage.

Dan Mboyane
Author: Dan Mboyane