What Are Inverters?


Inverters are part of a power supply unit (PSU). They take DC energy and convert it to AC. They are used for a wide variety of purposes, including air conditioners, home theaters, computers, refrigerators, and range hoods.

There are several types of inverters, and it is important to choose the right one for your specific needs. For instance, you may need a large capacity inverter for your submersible well pump. You will also want to find an inverter that can sustain a high peak load. A peak load is the most load that can be applied at a given time.

This is usually higher than the average power that is needed to operate your appliances. It is only a small part of the equation. Most household appliances use AC power. But there are many appliances that require a low power level to function. If you are unsure how to calculate your needs, consult your owner’s manual.

The inverter’s power output is rated in three basic categories: continuous, limited-time, and surge. The continuous rating is the amount of power that can be used continuously without overheating. On the other hand, a limited-time rating is the amount of watts that can be used in a predetermined period of time.

The most important thing to remember is to size the inverter for its maximum peak load. The inverter’s peak load is the total wattage of all of the appliances in the home. Some appliances require a much higher startup surge, and the inverter’s highest surge rating should be at least as much as the maximum startup surge.

There are two main types of inverters. One is a high-frequency switching type, which is smaller and lighter, and can be used in lower-power applications. Another type is a transformer based inverter, which is more expensive and is usually used in higher-power applications.

An inverter’s control circuit is often a digital signal processor or a microprocessor. This allows for full control, systematization, and energy efficiency.

To ensure the best performance, it is recommended that the inverter be inspected and certified by an independent testing lab. Ideally, the inverter’s certification should be accompanied by a spec sheet.

In general, an inverter’s control circuit should provide at least the following functions: a) an overcurrent protection device; b) an inverter-to-AC converter; c) a low harmonic distortion; d) a programmable inverter-to-AC converter; and e) a clean and clear sine wave. All of these functions will allow the inverter to accomplish its main job of converting DC electricity to AC.

In addition, it is always a good idea to use an inverter with a fast acting overcurrent protection device. These devices will blow up within milliseconds if a short circuit is detected. Since there are thousands of amperes present in a short circuit, it is important to make sure that your inverter is equipped with the correct fuse or circuit breaker.

The inverter’s power-producing capabilities should be rated by the manufacturer in terms of the peak load, the peak voltage regulation, the limited-time rating, and the continuous rating.

Dan Mboyane
Author: Dan Mboyane