Choosing a Solar Inverter Brand

solar inverter

Inverters are a key piece of equipment for solar power systems. They convert solar energy into usable AC electricity. They also manage the storage of that energy, allowing it to be used later, or to feed it back into the grid. They help to transition the electricity grid to smart decarbonized energy sources.

They’re not designed to handle the maximum possible output of a solar panel system. In the best case scenario, an inverter may achieve peak efficiency. However, it’s not uncommon for an inverter to only reach that level for a few hours. This is because the inverter needs to run cool to maintain the power converters’ operating temperature. If an inverter runs too hot, it’ll overheat and start to break down. To avoid this problem, you need to have a quality inverter brand that has a good reputation for service and warranty.

If you’re looking for a new inverter, you have a lot of options to choose from. You can go with a basic string inverter, a hybrid inverter, or a power optimizer. Each type has its own advantages, so you’ll want to do your research and evaluate all of the options. It’s also important to work with a qualified installer, since you’ll need to know the rules and regulations surrounding interconnection and net metering.

A good inverter brand will offer a long warranty. You should also look for a manufacturer that has a solid track record of reliability, as well as customer service and support. Some manufacturers have been known to offer poor service, especially when warranty claims arise.

One of the most popular inverter brands in the world is Sungrow. These inverters are known for their great reliability, as well as their competitive prices. They’re also known for providing strong service and support, especially in Australia, where the company has an office in Sydney. They also offer a cloud-based monitoring portal for their inverters. This makes it easy for you to check the performance of your inverter in real time and receive email or smart phone reporting.

Another inverter brand to consider is Ingeteam, a large multinational company based in Spain. They’re known for making quality solar inverters for commercial and residential use. They also have an advanced R&D department. They produce a wide range of inverters, from entry-level to utility scale central inverters. They are trying to enter the highly competitive Australian solar market.

Other manufacturers, such as Delta Group, FIMER, and Suntech, have also created reliable solar inverters. They’ve also released advanced new models in recent years. Some of the Delta Home Series inverters are becoming more popular with homeowners.

The SolaX inverter is another top option. It’s a hybrid inverter for larger residential and commercial applications. It’s also the most economical inverter on the market today. It’s also the most advanced inverter, as it offers a web-based monitoring portal. You can access this from a smart phone or tablet, and you’ll be able to view reports on the performance of your inverter from any location.

Dan Mboyane
Author: Dan Mboyane